Friday, April 11, 2008

Apologies. . .

As you may have noticed, I've been making some changes around here. I started this blog about 8 months ago because I was tired of telling myself that I should write a music blog, but always delaying actually creating one. When I finally launched The Fertile Crescent I was preoccupied with writing and not with making my blog look professional (since my readership would be small anyway). Because of this, I didn't even bother with simple things like promoting my blog (commenting on other people people's blogs, using Digg, StumbleUpon, reddit, Technorati, etc.) or making aesthetic improvements.

Well no more my friends! As you can see, I changed the layout around a little bit and the header image is gone. I am currently working on a much nicer looking header image (I'm even dabbling in the wonderful world of vector illustrations...yes, I am a facypants) and soon this site will have better functionality and even its own domain. No more of this blogspot subdomain bullshit. It's time to get my own domain, you know, like a real website.

All the changes should be complete in the next couple of days, so check back on Monday if you want to read any new posts. And feel free to leave your feedback about the new look. Thanks for your patience.

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